Are you looking to buy a resort, caravan park or management rights property?

We make the buying process easy.

  • Are you thinking of buying management rights in a resort or a motel, caravan park or other holiday investment property, but don’t know where to start? That’s where we come in. Rather than focusing on a single aspect of the buying and selling process, we take a holistic approach and examine all parts of your purchase - both internal and external. The tourism market is ever-changing, more so now than ever, yet we will work with you to find your ideal target market for your new property, bringing in new clientele and ultimately, revenue. We will also offer guidance and support to help you with the purchase of your new asset, ensuring you are well-versed in the wording of the contract and are getting the best price possible.

Get in touch, let’s start a conversation.


You can also just drop me a line.

James Kerley
Phone: 0418426672